How to Make Vietnamese Iced Coffee at Home

How to Make Vietnamese Iced Coffee at Home

How to Make Vietnamese Iced Coffee at Home

Vietnamese iced coffee, known as Cà Phê Sữa Đá, is a delightful blend of strong coffee and sweetened condensed milk. With VietCaPhe’s robust Vietnamese Robusta beans, you can craft this refreshing drink at home. Here’s how to make authentic Vietnamese iced coffee using various brewing methods.

General Instructions

No matter the brewing method, using quality Robusta beans, achieving the right coffee concentration, adding condensed milk, and serving over ice will yield an authentic tasting Vietnamese iced coffee experience.

Using the Traditional Vietnamese Phin

  1. Ingredients:

    • 20g of VietCaPhe ground Robusta coffee
    • 30g of sweetened condensed milk
    • Ice cubes
  2. Instructions:

    • Place the condensed milk in a glass.
    • Add coffee to the Phin and level the grounds.
    • Bloom with 20mL of hot water for 30 seconds.
    • Place the tamp in and lightly press.
    • Fill Phin to brim with hot water and let it drip.
    • Stir the coffee and condensed milk.
    • Add ice and serve.
How to Use a French Press Coffee Maker - Step-by-Step Instructions

French Press Method

A French press brews a strong coffee, ideal for this drink.

  1. Ingredients:

    • 15g of VietCaPhe ground Robusta coffee
    • 220mL of hot water
    • 30g sweetened condensed milk
    • Ice cubes
  2. Instructions:

    • Add coffee to the French press.
    • Pour hot water over the grounds.
    • Steep for 4 minutes, then press.
    • Combine with condensed milk in a glass.
    • Add ice and enjoy.

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Espresso Machine

An espresso machine provides a quick, strong coffee shot.

  1. Ingredients:

    • 1 shot of VietCaPhe Ground Robusta
    • 30g of sweetened condensed milk
    • Ice cubes
  2. Instructions:

    • Pull a long shot of espresso.
    • Pour over condensed milk in a glass.
    • Stir, add ice, and serve chilled.

VietCaPhe Robusta Steeped Coffee Bags

Our steeped coffee bags offer convenience and flavour.

  1. Ingredients:

    • 1 VietCaPhe Robusta steeped coffee bag
    • 30g of sweetened condensed milk
    • Ice cubes
  2. Instructions:

    • Steep the coffee bag in 180mL of hot water for 5 minutes.
    • Remove the bag and combine coffee with condensed milk.
    • Stir, add ice, and enjoy.


With these methods, you can enjoy the rich and bold flavours of VietCaPhe Vietnamese Robusta coffee in a classic iced coffee form. Each method brings out different nuances of the coffee, allowing you to discover your favourite way to enjoy this traditional Vietnamese treat.

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